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Our Promise

Online shopping should be fun and easy. We pledge to do everything we can to make sure it is on Merchagogo.

Our promise to shoppers

We're in your corner

If you buy something on Merchagago and there's a problem, we're here to help. Simply put, you can expect a full refund if you buy an item and:

  • It never arrives.
  • It arrives much later than the seller specified.
  • It's in demonstrably worse condition than advertised.
  • It's not the same item as was advertised in the listing photos and/or description.

How it works

Let's say your purchase arrives in far worse shape than it was advertised. Step one is always going to be to contact the seller via the order record page; you can find your order records in your Merchagogo inbox.

Honest mistakes do happen, and it's best to give the seller the chance to explain. If they don't reply, or their reply is unsatisfactory, the next move is to dispute the purchase by clicking the text link on the order record page. This is when we'll get involved.

The Merchagogo team will assess the situation, collect the facts and make a ruling. We will either issue a refund to the buyer, or rule in favor of the seller and close the dispute. If we determine the buyer is correct, the buyer has the option to return the item to the seller. However, Merchagogo cannot force the buyer to do so. As such, we strongly encourage sellers to describe their items accurately, include multiple images in their listings, and ship safely and quickly. If the dispute is settled in the seller's favor, the seller will retain the cost of the item. Merchagogo is unable to issue partial refunds to either party at this time.

Want to know more about selling on Merchagogo?

See this complete guide about selling on Merchagogo: learn how to list your items, how you'll be paid, and more.